Banned Book Project

Join me in the fight against censorship and donate a book to our high school ELA classroom for the Banned Books Project! 

2022 was a record-breaking year for book bans across the US, and 2023 is anticipated to continue on this trend of extreme censorship. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of banned books feature frank and candid depictions of racism, women’s rights issues, addiction, poverty, mental health, and LGBTQIA+ issues. Representation of these issues in literature is extremely important, and these relevant and illuminating books can make a difference in a young person’s life. 

All books donated are free and always available for my high school students to take and keep, no questions asked. All of the banned books donated are kept in the "Free Banned Books" shelf in our classroom, and students have no obligation to tell us what book they're taking or to return it.

Below is the Banned Book Project list of 50+ commonly banned books, ranging from early in the 20th century all the way to the present day. Please consider donating a book to add to our Banned Book Shelf!