Grading Policies

In our classroom, students will use reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, and utilize constructive peer and teacher feedback on their work. Our focus is not solely on answering questions, but learning how to ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of a text.

Students' writing, participation, and projects will be graded on a Proficiency-Based Scale of 1-4:

1: Not Passing, Beginning Standards

2: Passing, Approaching Standards

3: Passing, Meeting Standards

4: Excelling, Exceeding Standards

Every graded assignment with the exception of the Class Participation grade can be revised to get up to a 4. I believe that revision is a crucial part of the writing and learning process, and any student willing to make revisions to bring their work above and beyond is just as deserving of a 4 as a student who got a 4 on their first try.

Each graded assignment will have a deadline which accompanies it in order to keep our work on track and prevent work from piling up. It is suggested students aim to turn in their work on the deadline, but I understand that not all students work at the same pace, so there is flexibility on deadlines. All assignments must be turned in at least a week before grades close for the semester. Turning in work late will not impact your grade.

Attendance is required unless you have contacted me ahead of time.

I am strongly opposed to giving a graded test of any kind: it creates unnecessary anxiety, detracts from the value of learning from mistakes, and caters to only "the traditional student" while other students are left behind despite their capabilities.